Thursday Question Time as NOT seen on the BBC


Good to see you all this fine Thursday. #joketheweatherisawful

Hit me with your foodie questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

Yours in food



  1. I come with a challenge.

    Because my GI system hates me, I can't eat wheat.
    I'm also vegetarian. Good one.

    Can you suggest an ingredient that makes meal seem a bit special, but still ticks both boxes?

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  5. Challenge accepted.

    Quinoa (the pure one, not the other blend alternative) is a good replacement for wheat intolerances so that ticks that box. It isn't suitable for Celiacs, however I think it's suitable for vegetarians; pretty sure it isn't made from the ground bones of an ox. Try this as a flavour carrier, the texture is standalone to anything I've tried. So soak it in vegetable stock, crack open some marinated feta and add some roasted vegetables like courgette, mix it in. (Note- it may resemble cous cous with roasted peppers at this point. Not my fault, honest)

    Then maybe sliced cheese such as haloumi (something meaty. Mozzarella works too), coat in corn flour, beaten egg (if you can) and polenta and shallow fry until crisp.

    There you go, TWO wheat alternatives (3 including corn flour) that won't turn your stomach inside out and also give a nice meal with varied texture. Serve with salad of your choice.


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